Saturday, June 14, 2008

Killer plants... seriously?

hello again blogging world. today is saturday, june 14th and i have effectively wasted the day. now, everyone's definition of waste is different, but i feel like most would agree with me. To begin...

i woke up around 7:30 for some reason and then i drifted back off to sleep until 9:30. I was woken by Jake, who wanted to go see a movie. We decided to meet up for the 11:30 matinee of The Happening, M. Night Shaymalan's new film. If you've seen the trailers it looks pretty freaky! i piddled around until the movie time then met up with Jake at the local theater. Ok, this next part might contain a little bit of a spoiler, so if you are planning on seeing the movie, then i would recommend ceasing to read! well, basically the movie is about the environment. the basic gist of the movie was that the plants get pissed at all the people in the world because we are destroying everything, so they produce a chemical that makes you kill yourself in really grisly ways and they then release it into the air. I know... lame. Well to make the movie even better, the characters figure it out about 20 minutes into the movie, so there isn't even a twist! the rest of the movie is filled with morbid suicides and running away from the wind. Yeah, the main antagonists are grass and wind. sigh... Looks like M. Night has lost his touch...
 After the movie, i came back to the house and ate a little lunch, talked with Nicole some, talked with Jose some, then went upstairs and read for a while. I've been reading and looking up music on iTunes since then, making my day effectively wasted. Its strange as i get older, because i feel more and more guilty and pointless about wasting time. I don't know if that is because i have become busier, therefore making the time i have more valuable, or if its just something that happens when you get older. 

I'm a little upset because i missed game 4 of the NBA finals. I watched the first three and i actually enjoyed almost every minute of it (a couple times i caught myself counting seconds between commercial breaks). I've been impressed by the resiliency of some of the players on each team. Obviously, Kobe Bryant gets almost all the spotlight for the lakers, so it interests me to see how the other players react on and off the court to him. During game three, Kobe Bryant was shooting a free throw and the entire crowd was chanting, "MVP" repeatedly. Looking at the other player's faces showed how they were dealing with Kobe's fame. I bet that it is a humbling experience to play on a team like that. 

All i know is that its a humbling experience to lose such a big lead like the lakers did (apparently) in game 4. No more Jordan comparisons for awhile Mr. Bryant. :-D

now for some random thoughts...
I think Esther is one of the strongest characters in the Bible. 
I love the way my girlfriend laughs.
God's providence is tied into his grace, which is tied into our salvation, which freakin' rocks.
My old guitar teacher thinks the music that i like now is gimmicky... oh opposing indoctrination...

i think that is all for right now. if i don't find something else to do, i will probably come back and write for a little while. I like writing. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as soon as i see "the happening" i plan on debating you on how NOT lame it is. because i love m. night shyamalan and think he is a genius. always. :) and i also plan on debating you cause i haven't seen you in forever and i want to hear about the internship!